ArtHouse San Francisco
Nonprofit co-op housing and venues for artists, writers, and musicians in the city of San Francisco

Nonprofit co-op housing and venues for artists, writers, and musicians in the city of San Francisco
The ArtHouse team is made up of people in the arts, struggling to remain in San Francisco. We are the same people who started Burning Man, who play in the symphony, who write things you read, and make art and music for your enjoyment.
This project was initially started under the name Bohemia Redux. We decided to change the name to one that clarified our goal. Under the new name, ArtHouse, we have received fiscal sponsorship from the venerable Intersection for the Arts.
ArtHouse wants to partner with people who buy properties solely for investment and leave them empty. There are currently many empty buildings in San Francisco. We want to lease them, with a contract to buy them, and fill them with people making art.
Copyright © 2025 ArtHouseSF - All Rights Reserved.
Sketches by Alex Segal ~ Design by AreWeReally?